
This is the personal website of Steffen Krämer, researcher in media and cultural studies. Below you find an overview of publications, talks, and courses from the last ten years. For further inquiries please get in touch at contact(at)stmkr.com.


Edited books and journals

Locating affect: On the ambivalence of affective situatedness

mit Laura Kemmer, Christian Helge Peters und Vanessa Weber; Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 2019. -->

Framing excessive violence: concepts, scripts and representations

mit Marco Gerster und Daniel Ziegler; Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan 2015. -->


Of fillings and feelings: Locating affect, attention and vagueness

in: distinction – Journal of Social Theory, 2019. -->

Die verwaltete Fiktion: Bunker, Archiv, Exterritorialität

in: Silke Martin/Anke Steinborn: Orte. Nicht-Orte. Ab-Orte. Mediale Verortungen des Dazwischen. Marburg: Schüren 2015. -->

Stadtszenarien in Science-Fiction-Filmen: Schnittstellen zwischen Medienwissenschaft und Stadtplanung

mit Moritz Maikämper und Carolin Pätsch; in: Planerin, 1(15), 2015. -->

Fertigkeit und Fertigung: Zur Montageform in Bert Haanstra's GLAS (2014)

in Rainhard May/Annette K. Schulz/Anke Steinborn: Panta Rhei – Wie’s fließt, bestimme ich. Ein Bert-­‐Haanstra-­‐Porträt aus Einzelbildern, Berlin: puv 2018.

Commissioned research

Von Science-Fiction-Städten lernen. Szenarien für die Stadtplanung

mit Moritz Maikämper, Carolin Pätsch, Christer Petersen, Bodo Rott, Belinda Rukschcio, Silke Weidner; Studie im Auftrag des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, 2015. -->



im Blog des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts Essen, 04/2020-->

Die Stadt von Übermorgen: Von Science-Fiction-Städten lernen

mit Carolin Pätsch und Belinda Rukschcio, Redaktion: Bettina Sigmund; in: DETAIL Online, 04/2015-->

Kommende Welten. Science-Fiction-Städte und ihre gesellschaftliche, politische und räumli-che Relevanz

mit Moritz Maikämper, Carolin Pätsch und Bodo Rott; in: Archithese (4), 2016-->


Separating Urgency And Validation: A Comparative Reading Of Humanitarian Mapping And Disease Surveillance

Konferenzpaper, Technische Universität München, 02/2020.

Verortung Und Verräumlichung Von Affekten – Theoretische Vignetten.

Gastvortrag im Seminar „Affektanalyse“ von M.-L. Angerer und B. Bösel an der Universität Potsdam, 01/2020.

Science-Fiction Und Stadtplanung

mit Moritz Maikämper, Eröffnungsvortrag auf der Konferenz „Filmische SciFi Cities als Dispositive urbaner Zukünfte“, Filmmuseum Potsdam, 02/2018.

Vague Matter And Thick Thresholds: Data Practice In Epidemiology

Paper für die Konferenz „Loose Connections – Modes of Un_Relating“, Universität Hamburg, 01/2017.

Forensic Architecture – Digitale Rekonstruktion Von Drohneneinsätzen

Vortrag in der Reihe „Krieg und Frieden“ an der Universität Kaiserslautern, 12/2016.

Limits Of Capture: Spatial Messiness & Temporal Exceptions In Epidemic Control

Paper für die Konferenz „Techniques, Technologies and Materialities of Epidemic Control”, University of Cambridge, UK, 09/2016.

Methods And Tools For Visual Investigation

mit Ana Naomi de Sousa, Christina Varvia und Eyal Weizman, Vortrag im Rahmen des CIJ Logan Symposiums in Berlin, 03/2016.

Grenzen Der Zukunftsstadt: Zum Verhältnis Von Science-Fiction Und Stadtplanung

Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums „b/orders in motion“, Europa-Universität Viadriana Frankfurt Oder, 06/2015.

Ground Control

Vortrag im Rahmen eines Roundtables zum Thema „Ground Control“ in der PSM Gallery in Berlin, konzipiert und organisiert von Awst&Walther, 04/2015.

Lunch Bytes: Architecture/ Public Space

Vortrag in der Serie “Lunch Bytes” zum Thema „Architecture/Public Space“ im Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, organisiert und konzipiert von Melanie Bühler, 09/2014.

Drones Multiplying Publics And Forensic Reconstruction

mit Jacob Burns, Vortrag im Rahmen des Digital Electronic Arts Festivals in Rotterdam, 05/2014.

Things Will Have To Speak For Themselves – Scripting An Archive

Paper für die Konferenz „Archives for the Future“, Westminster University London, UK, 03/2014.

Political Archive And Metadata Subjectivity

Paper für die Jahrestagung der International Visual Sociology Association, Goldsmiths University London, UK, 07/2013.

Placing Immunity

Vortrag im Rahmen eines Roundtables im Pavillon des Critical Art Ensembles während der Documenta12, organisiert von Chris Molinski, 07/2012.


Epidemiological Diagrams (2015-)

'Diagrams of Epidemiological Knowledge' (Formerly: 'Epidemics and Topological Experience') is a PhD research project in the field of Media Studies at the University of Hamburg. It was supported by the Research Training Group 'Loose Connections - Collectivity in Digital and Urban Space'. The project traces different forms of diagrammatic media and mediators in the recent history and practice of epidemiologists, especially maps, causal diagrams, and threshold visualizations in automated surveillance. The project combines archival research and expert interviews with epistemological problematizations in media theory and philosophy.

Bio Patents (2013)

Together with architects and researchers Blake Fisher and Janet Hall, we compiled and visualized information about patents in the field of medicine and pharmaceutics, especially those that involve the patenting of new molecular combinations or genetic engineering. Our aim was to use the available data from patent registries to make sense of the knowledge economy of health and disease and to show the concentrations and enclosures in this field of vital human knowledge. The initial research responded to a call for emerging topics in information visualization. The results of this project have not yet been published.

Please get in touch for further information.

Immune landscapes (2012)

The project Immune Landscapes started as an MA thesis at Goldsmiths, University of London, and grew into different forms of publication such as lectures, videos, essays and installation. Originally, it was an investigation about topographies that are ascribed the status of legal immunity. Among the investigated sites were a mountain region in the German Black Forest that is legally protected by the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property, as well as diplomatic missions whose immunity has been legally regulated for centuries.

Please get in touch for further information and screeners.

Periskop (2011)

Periskop was a contribution to the exhibition and art festival "Localize - Das Heimatfestival" in Potsdam, Germany. It responded to the festivals theme Heimat by focusing on a nearby area of allotment gardens that are contained within a triangle of train tracks and merely visible to the outside. The project consisted of a research performance, a booklet and an installation. During the research phase the researcher was equipped with an overviewing balloon that is both visible to the outside and documents the inside of the garden community while facing problems to enter the site. The situated documentation technique aimed to provoke reflection for the role of the heimat researcher, the tenants and the inside/outside schema simultaneously. The results where summarized in a semi-fictitious research report and exhibited together with photographs and research materials on-site.


Leuphana University Lüneburg

Affect & Media
Bachelor Digital Media, Bachelor Cultural Studies

Winter term 2018/19, 2 SWS

Paranoia and Network Collectivity
Bachelor Digital Media

with Clemens Apprich, Summer term 2018, 2 SWS

Recent Developments in Media Theory
Bachelor Digital Media

Winter term 2018, 2 SWS

October 2017 - March 2019

Freie University Berlin

Media Studies in Berlin
International Summer School (FUBIS)

Summer 2018, four weeks with 48 contact hours

July - August 2018

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus

Learning from SciFi
Bachelor Architecture & Urban Planning

with Moritz Maikämper/ Carolin Pätsch/ Bodo Rott/ Belinda Rukschcio, January 2015, Stegreif

fakultätsübergreifend, Bachelor Kultur und Technik, Informations- und Medientechnik, Architektur

with Anke Steinborn, Summer terms 2013/2014/2015, 4 SWS

Video-Kartografie / Dokumentarische Hybride
fakultätsübergreifend, Bachelor & Master Kultur und Technik, Informations- und Medientechnik, Architektur

Winter term 2014/15, 2 SWS

Planning with Zombies
fakultätsübergreifend, Bachelor & Master Kultur und Technik, Informations- und Medientechnik, Architektur

with Anke Steinborn, Winter term 2013/14, 4 SWS

April 2013 - September 2015

Bauhaus University Weimar

Architecture & Urbanism in Film
International Summer School

with Belinda Rukschcio, Summer 2014 and 2015, two-week full day

August 2014 & 2015

Film & Video


Contribution Cinematography, editing
Title Battir
Genre Reportage/ Project summary
Specs HD, 8 min
Research Forensic Architecture
Interviews Eyal Weizman, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
Assistant Editor Maja Tennstedt
Sound Design Cesar Fernandez
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin), Web
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Contribution Cinematography, editing
Title Bilin
Genre Reportage/ Project summary
Specs HD, 12 min
Research Forensic Architecture, SITU Research
Interviews Eyal Weizman, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
Assistant Editor Maja Tennstedt
Sound Design Cesar Fernandez
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin), Web
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Contribution Cinematography, editing
Title Living Death Camps - The Inverted Horizon
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 20 min
Research Forensic Architecture, Grupa Spomenik, Dr. Caroline Sturdy Colls
Script & Text Eyal Weizman, Francesco Sebgregondi, Steffen Krämer
Production Forensic Architecture
3D imagery Scanlab Projects
Narration Shela Sheikh
Assistant Editor Maja Tennstedt
Sound Design Cesar Fernandez
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin)
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Contribution Realization
Title The Mineral Geology of Genocide (2)
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 24 min
Research Forensic Architecture, SITU Research
Text Paulo Tavares, Eyal Weizman
Script Eyal Weizman, Paulo Tavares, Steffen Krämer
Videography Paulo Tavares, Steffen Krämer
Production Forensic Architecture
Assistant Editor Maja Tennstedt
Sound Design Tom Tlalim
Narration Shela Sheikh
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin), Web
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Contribution Cinematography
Title Material Witness
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 33 min
Director Susan Schuppli
Production Susan Schuppli, HKW
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin)
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Contribution Cinematography
Title Can the Sun lie
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 12 min
Director Susan Schuppli
Production Susan Schuppli
Distribution Exhibition
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Contribution Editing/compositing/animation
Title Drone Strike Investigation 1 - Datta Khel
Genre Investigative video essay
Specs HD, 5 min
Research Forensic Architecture, SITU Research
Script & Text Eyal Weizman, Susan Schuppli, Steffen Krämer, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
3D modeling Reiner Beelitz
Narration Shela Sheikh
Distribution Diverse
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Contribution Editing/compositing/animation, videography
Title Drone Strike Investigation 2 - Mir Ali
Genre Investigative video essay
Specs HD, 9 min
Research Forensic Architecture
Script & Text Eyal Weizman, Susan Schuppli, Steffen Krämer, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
3D modeling Reiner Beelitz
Narration Shela Sheikh
Compositing Assist. Alexander Bley
Distribution Diverse
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Contribution Editing/compositing/animation
Title Drone Strike Investigation 3 - Miranshah
Genre Investigative video essay
Specs HD, 9 min
Research Forensic Architecture, SITU Research
Script & Text Eyal Weizman, Susan Schuppli, Steffen Krämer, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
3D modeling Reiner Beelitz, Samir Harb
Narration Shela Sheikh
Compositing Assist. Alexander Bley
Distribution Diverse
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Contribution Editing/compositing/animation
Title Drone Strike Investigation 4 - Gaza
Genre Investigative video essay
Specs HD, 8 min
Research Forensic Architecture
Script & Text Eyal Weizman, Susan Schuppli, Steffen Krämer, Jacob Burns
Production Forensic Architecture
3D modeling Francesco Sebregondi, Reiner Beelitz
Narration Shela Sheikh
Distribution Diverse
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Contribution Cinematography, co-editing
Title Memorial in Exile
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 25 min
Director Susan Schuppli
Research Four Faces of Omarska, Forensic Architecture
Production Forensic Architecture
Sound Design Philippe Compi
3D Imagery Scanlab Projects
Distribution Exhibition (HKW Berlin)
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Contribution Realization
Title Untitled
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 18 min
Based on Video notes by Paulo Tavares & Eyal Weizman
Narration Nadine Rahimtoola
Production Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Distribution Exhibition
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Contribution Individual work
Title Immune Landscape
Genre Experimental
Specs HD, 13 min
Distribution Exhibition

Please get in touch for further information and screener.

Contribution Realization
Title The Mineral Geology of Genocide (1)
Genre Essay film
Specs HD, 47 min
Text Paulo Tavares, Eyal Weizman
Script Paulo Tavares, Eyal Weizman, Steffen Krämer
Videography Paulo Tavares
Production Forensic Architecture, Portikus
Distribution Exhibition (Portikus Frankfurt)
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Contribution Production assistant
Title Vaterlandsverräter
Genre Documentary
Specs HD, 97 min
Director Annekatrin Hendel
Production IT Works! Medien
View Project

Contribution written, shot and directed with Marc Holtbecker & Robert Neumann
Title Memories of Cottingley
Genre Short film
Specs Super 8, 3 min
Set design Annette Schneider
Assistant Director Caro Stoeckermann
Sound Design André Wlodarski
Festivals Straight 8 Film Festival
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Contribution Directed and edited with Anna Piltz
Title Kornblum
Genre Book trailer
Specs HD, 60 sec
Production IT Works! Medien
Starring Maria Kwiatkowski
Cinematography Jacob Seemann
Narration Milan Peschel
Sound Rec & Mix André Wlodarski
Festival Spotlight Festival Mannheim
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Contribution written, shot and directed with Marc Holtbecker
Title Royal Jelly
Genre Short film
Specs Super 8, 3 min
Props and costume design Annette Schneider
Sound design André Wlodarski
Assistant Director Caro Stoeckermann
Camera Assistant Robert Neumann
Festival Straight 8 Film Festival
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Contribution shot and edited with Florian Hadler
Title Floid
Genre Experimental, abstract film
Specs DV, 2 min
Sound design Till Spielhoff
Festival Kunstfilmtage Düsseldorf

Contribution direction, cinematography, editing
Title debut film series
Year 2007
Genre Theatre trailer
Specs HD, 45 sec
Production critic.de
Distribution Cinema Babylon Berlin


Media Studies, PhD Candidate

University of Hamburg
Thesis: Diagrams of Epidemiological Knowledge in Medical Geography and Public Health Surveillance, supervised by Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fahlenbrach and Prof. Dr. Susanne Krasmann.
October 2015 - October 2019

Research Architecture, MA

Goldsmiths College, University of London
Thesis: "Placing Immunity" (Essay) & "Immune Landscapes" (Video), supervised by John Palmesino.
September 2011 - September 2012

Communication in Social and Economic Contexts, Diploma

Berlin University of the Arts
Major: Audiovisual Communication, Minor: Art & Cultural Studies. Thesis: "Vom Werfen der Körper zur Projektion Architektonischer Räume", supervised by Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski & Prof. Dr. Tanja Michalsky.
April 2004 - May 2010